Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Milkweed Fluff

Two weeks ago, I gathered up a good quantity of the milkweed pods that were in our yard. Today I finished collecting the seeds from the pods, and with that I was ready to let the kids have fun with the leftover milkweed fluff. Peter jumping in the soft "snow" ~

Katharine saw him having fun and came to join him.
Running around, looks like they need a new supply of fluff. 
"Snowballs" falling off onto the ground.
Almost feels like the fluff from the cottonwood trees in spring ~

Bouncing around and around on the trampoline, with floating fairies in the sky all around.
I uploaded a few vides to youtube. 

This evening I started to feel a bit stressed, partially bought on, I think, by Sophi somehow detatching the rear wheel of my silver bike after she rode it to her friends house. I drove over there to pick her up. Not sure how she did it. Perhaps some evil-doer came by and sabotaged her bike while she was inside. Anyway, and then I had my "emotional resilience" class at 6, and I didn't really want to go cause I wanted to go on a ride or a hike with the kids instead, but I told them I had the class and they could come again to play in the nursery like last week. But then Abi got home and could see my stress, and she took all the kids to the Draper park instead, and I bailed out on the class and went on a ride instead. Corey had left 45 min before me, and I caught him coming down right after I climbed up avalanche hill. He was glad he ran into before he got to the bottom of that, cause if he'd been at the bottom he might not have wanted to join me on my climb, but he was ok taking a climb again from the top of avalanche hill. We went the ruins, did techy on the way back, and we paused to put the log feature back in the techy section. 

Someone (perhaps Sandy City?) came and cleaned up fallen trees last week and they cut the log and moved it out of the way. I was totally bummed. Corey and I were glad to put it back. We went over it, felt like before, so techy is back to normal. All is right in the world, ha. Now it's 9pm, P&K are taking a bath, I'm here typing, Corey is helping Daniel practice sax, A is practicing flute, L&S are on the computer, hopefully doing homework. Natalie is....

...being Natalie. She's finally able to do a front split! Congrats Natalie.

When kids start being creative like this, that is my signal that it's time for them to go to bed. I'll go wrap things up with the kids and we'll go to bed. I went to the temple today with some sisters in our ward. It was nice, but also slower to go with a group, I'm trying to decide if I think it was worth it, cause it's not like you can socialize that much in the temple session. We were able to visit during out drive out and back (we carpooled there together) so that was good. It turned out to be a 9-1 thing and took all my day time hours where I'm productive and I struggled to get it going after I got back. That might also be a reason why I was feeling stressed this evening. But I feel better now after the ride. Tomorrow I have parent teacher conferences for the elementary kids, and I need/want to fill up the garbage cans with as much yard stuff as I can before the trash is collected. So that's the plan for tomorrow. 

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