Saturday, September 21, 2024

It's Not Halloween Yet

Here with the Saturday report. The only thing on the calendar was Sophi and Natalie had a violin service concert at an assisted living in Murray. I hurried to Costco while they did that, cause we have a dinner guest tomorrow - someone from Ethan's mission. The kids are thinking of Halloween already. It might be because one of our neighbors already has a ton of Halloween stuff out on their lawn. Including a GIANT skeleton that we get to see every time we drive towards our house. I don't love it. And I'm shaking my head - it's not even October yet, ugh. The skeleton scares Peter, but I told him to just not look at it. But with Halloween starting to make itself know, the kids have been playing with costumes and talking about what they will be. I think Katharine makes a VERY CUTE Unicorn Pegasus! What an adorable face.

Oh she's so cute. K and N checking out each other's unicorn attire. Natalie is wearing Ethan's old onesie.

Katharine has been in such a sweet mood today. She sleeps with Abi. Abi went to GMS this morning. Around 10 I figured it was time for K to get up. I went in there, she rolled over and smiled. She started to giggle and talk "like a baby". 
Turned off the fan, which I thought was cute. Giving me a silly little grin.
I let her sleep in and was glad most everyone else was ok with a slow morning too. Corey and I slept in cause we cleaned at the Draper Temple last night from 10pm - midnight. So no bike ride this morning, but that was ok cause we did do a longer one yesterday morning. And we did get a ride in this evening, just barely. We were racing the sun. I was watching the time 3 hours before sunset, I cleaned the stairs carpet and was dressed and ready to go. Time was ticking. Corey was practicing with Owen, he wanted to go too, and then he asked the kids if they wanted to go. We were like 90 min before sunset, and if you include the drive out to Corner Canyon, which is kinda our only option if kids are coming, then we needed to leave asap. Corey started loading up bikes. Peter wanted to come but he had two low tires, and his wheels are so small, it was hard getting the pump onto the valve. We told him he had to stay, and Abi said she'd make cookies so he was ok with that. I told Corey we should leave K too, cause she didn't have a nap and would slow us down cause I was sure she'd fall asleep. Ok, hurry! We were barely leaving home at 6:30, got to Peakview at 6:50 and dropped off Corey Natalie Owen and Daniel. Ready to ride!

I drove down to Coyote Trailhead (took 10 min) and was on the trail at 7:03 and the race between me and daylight was on - sunset was at 7:25! Ahh! I watched the sunlight line move up the mountain as I rode up. I made it to the top of Clarks pretty fast - 2nd best out of 8 efforts with a time of 16:33 (PR 16:10) I think I would have beat or tied my PR if I hadn't stopped to take one picture of the leaves. 

Trying to be present and enjoy the colors, even though I was in a hurry. I got 3 achievements on the climb, 4 on the descent. It was a little dark in the shade on the covered parts of the trail, but it was good. I stopped at Peakview, Corey and the kids had ridden all the way down to the Draper Cycle Park, so I got the car and went to pick them up down there. We got it in, yay, and the kids all had fun! We're hoping we can get this last group of our children into biking, so we can do it together in our old age. I have been here blogging, waiting for the last of our children to get back home. Sophi is out at the Nightlights with a friend. We went last year, I was glad it was free. Even if we had free tickets I don't think I'd go again, but I'm glad S was able to go again. Fun picture. 
She should be back soon, I think I will head to bed and just leave the door unlocked. I don't want two nights I'm up past midnight. We don't do stuff like that anymore! We're too old.

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