Lilian is our 7th kid. I wouldn't mind at all having a few more. But I don't know if we will, that biological clock is ticking I guess, so we'll see what happens. But if she is the last, one baby thing I will miss and am thus trying to enjoy and capture, is the sweet look and feel of a freshly bathed baby bottom.

I decided not to upload the pictures I took (Actually, I wanted to and tried, but they wouldn't work, what's up with the photo upload these days? Oh, there we go - after the 10th try it worked...) yes, the moment has been captured! and will be scrapbooked for future generations to enjoy.

I completely understand wanting more but needing to get it done because we are not getting younger. I am going to try to get one more in so that we will have six. (fingers crossed). I think you are such a good mom, I can tell that you love your kiddos so much!