Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Natalie is 11!

Happy Happy Birthday Natalie dear!

I like these "kid jumping out of the bag" for their birthday. She looks like she could be Barbie size! I don't decorate much for the kids anymore. Corey took Natalie out to breakfast though (after we got back from a ride in Corner Canyon), so that's good. My mom came over next, and kids stuffed themselves on a strawberry cream Schmidt's bakery cake. 
Natalie put in the candles and wanted to light them. 
And then we sang and took an ambiance photo ~

And she ate cake (after a big breakfast at the Pancake House with Corey) and then Wayne took her to lunch! She ate a ton today. But it's her party, so she can do what she wants. I gifted her some legos, which she wants to go trade, and a pretty 500 piece puzzle. Mel and Lily came up tonight, so that was fun to see them (Lily is at a Writer's Camp at BYU but not staying on campus, to make it less expensive, so she's been sleeping at Mel's place, and Mel takes her in and brings her back everyday, camp goes through Saturday morning like FSY's). Not much else to report. I've been cleaning the boys room a bit - we'll... I'm organizing things (clothes and toys) so right now it looks much worse than when I started, but it'll look better and run more smoothly soon. 

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