Friday, August 2, 2024

Crafts and Stuff

Two more days of partying in Park City are over and this week has gone by fast. We head home tomorrow. The kids have enjoyed doing crafts this week. Mel went by Wayne's house before we came up here, and gathered up a bunch of JeNeal's old boxes of crafts - beads, paints, wires, glue, tape and popsicle sticks, etc. The kids were all in the zone yesterday, intently painting.

They were painting different ceramic things, mostly mermaids and butterflies. Peter working on a robot, Daniel making a marble drop machine. 

The paints was out within toddler reach all day (yikes) yet luckily we didn't get any on the carpet or couches, and we were able to get it all wiped off of the tables and chairs, even without a magic eraser on hand.

The toddlers have been having fun. Katharine is everyone's favorite. Cousin Rhyan gave K a makeover - touched up her eyebrows and did mascara and lipstick.

K is feeling pretty, blowing me a kiss!

We've been having our dinners in Wayne's room every night. I'm glad kids are ok about just eating on the floor.

For my bike rides yesterday and today: yesterday morning I took a ride alone. I went up Spiro, my first time climbing that (used to be downhill but after last year was changed to uphill only). It was pretty brutal, like harder than Clarks I think cause I had to get off and walk. Or maybe I just haven't been letting my legs rest up cause I'm trying to go everyday. I actually wanted to go morning and evening, but I wasn't able to get away for an evening ride except for one time last night. Yesterday I went to the gym with Hyrum and he was going to go on the exercise bike but instead he said he'd do a ride with us, so we went Corey, Hyrum and I on an evening ride up Jenni's and down Loose Moose. Hyrum was sweating hard, but he had an ebike, which are heavy bikes. It would have been helped him if we had it fully charged, but we didn't so it died half way and then was super heavy for him. Corey said the ride felt like nothing for him, and I was ok considering it was my second ride. Since Corey had a nothing ride yesterday, we did a big ride this morning with Nancy. Getting the bikes ready - pumping the tires and greasing the chains...

We had a really great parking spot - #148, which on floor 0 was right by the elevator which led right to our room #7374. So Corey didn't take the car anywhere cause we were protecting that spot, haha. So Nancy rode the fully charged ebike this morning, so that was good. We went up the same as last night with Hyrum, but we kept going, followed Jenni's to Mid Mountain, around took that a while until we could see the Montage...

...then turned around for ride back down. It was prob a bit long for Nancy to take her first ride in a few years, 2 hours and 5 min, 11.89 miles! 
Yesterday on my solo morning ride and later with Hyrum, I was listening to Illapu "Vuelvo para Vivir" and was feeling the feels and so grateful for mi pais, for Utah, these lovely mountains <3 it was a moment, I was feeling the feels, I love biking and getting up in these gorgeous mountains. After our ride this morning, Corey left for home with Abi and Mel so they could pack for their trip - they are going to Vienna again, I think mostly for fun to play in little concerts with their teacher April Clayton. They packed up and ran errands and then Corey took them to the airport around 6:30, they flew out at 9pm. 

So while Corey was gone all day, I let the kids do whatever, and I spent most of my day at the computer here, cause I realized this morning "shoot, it's August!" and I didn't get out our ward Relief Society newsletter yesterday. So I did that all day and got it sent at 8:25 pm. We had a bbq tonight for dinner, which I didn't have our assigned food for, and I didn't have my wallet or license up here either, so we borrowed Bella's car and Hyrum drove it and he bought hotdogs and hamburger patties and buns, and then the kids were set. I just need to venmo Hyrum back. $20 for parking at Jordanelle the other day, and $27 for food tonight. The thing I've missed the most this week is my Burts Bees chapstick in my wallet!! :( Excited to have my chapstick again tomorrow (I've borrowed H's a few times, real chapstick brand which doesn't work as good as Burts Bees in my opionion). It's been a good week, thank you Wayne and JeNeal for this wonderful tradition!

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