Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Home and Haircut

Corey and the boys didn't end up staying and skiing at Brian Head today. Wes wanted to get back to do stuff to get ready for his mission. They left around 9 am and got here around one. After a stop for lunch in Spanish Fork. 

K was glad to see Wesley. He read her a book - of lego instructions - sooo interesting!

One of the reasons I came back yesterday was for a RS meeting I had at 1. After our meeting was over, I had a laugh at how our stacks of notes looked - the three of them looks normal - with notebooks, phones, and a pen each. My spot had the goldfish close by for Katharine, she ripped one of my papers, an opened but not eaten cheese sick, a cup of water, and I traced her hand on some of the papers I had. I didn't bring a notebook, so it was nice of Stacey to provide me with paper and a pen. Actually two pens - one for me, one for K to scribble with. Typical meeting for a mom with a toddler on her lap.

My BeReal today with silly Katharine - 
Close up of her silly face!
I gave Owen a haircut tonight. 
It's helpful, when I give one kid a haircut, to try and do all of them. Then I only have to oil the blades once. I've saved our family hundreds of dollars by cutting hair for my boys and Corey for the past 20 years. Go me. Wes and I went climbing tonight around 8 and did top rope. We both did 4 climbs. Green 5.10b, then the 5.10 c that I wasn't able to do last time. I had to take a break, and after struggling a bit I finally got over the lip. Then did a pretty easy yellow 5.10a. After those 3 we were spent, but I tried to go for one more, only got half way up a blue 5.10c, woo! That is a workout! Then we shook it out and did some quick bouldering, I was able to do five V2s that have all been challenging, sent them first try, which is good since we were so tired. Good way to end the day.

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