Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Wes to the Temple and Goodbye Lucky

It's late and today was an eventful day but I'll blog them quickly... Two important things happened. One of more import than the other, but I'll mention both. First ~ Wesley went to the temple! We went to the Jordan River temple for the 8pm session. Some people that came to the session with us were my parents, brother Neil, Corey's Dad, Brother Mark and Chalane, and our temple attending kids were well represented as well (JME)
Taking pictures outside around 10:30. Keeping with JeNeal's tradition (and with a little bit of help from Chalane) Wayne brought Wes a "congratulations on your graduation" cake. 
Going to the temple can be a peculiar experience, but I'm sure it will open up some great conversations for us all. 
BeReal! (I'm not sure why I keep taking BeReals....) Maybe just so I can see what my college kids are up to.
But since I had them all with me, who needs that?
And the second thing that happened today was that Lucky the butterfly passed away. Terry watched him while we were gone at Brian Head, and maybe Lucky missed us a lot, but he didn't seem the same when we got him back. It could also (most likely) is because he was 12 weeks old today. He lived a full life, I hope. We tried anyway. I wasn't sure what to do with him. I put him on the shelf next to my preserved butterfly that I ordered from Kevin at Bug Under Glass and my butterfly quilling card.
But that didn't seem right, so then I took him outside, so he could fly away outside like he's always wanted (aka I blew him off our deck) but then he was just a black speck on the snow below, so I went and got him and buried him under a rock that was there next to where he fell. And that was the end of our time with Lucky. 

He was a good little butterfly. I'm sure I'll meet him again in heaven! So those were the two main things. Tonight Joseph told us about a cute girl that he's interested in that he's gone on a few dates with - Eliza. She's cute! And their smiles match!
And also, before we went to the temple today, Nicole and Darrel came by for a visit. They are here in Utah because they took their daughter Darryl to the MTC today. They came by around 6 and we were able to visit until around 6:45 - that's when Corey left with Wes, and I left shortly after that to go pick up my college kids from the frontrunner train. 
It's always wonderful to see Nicole. 
She's my BFF. Nicole and I adoring cute Katharine!

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