Monday, April 13, 2009

Divine '09 Tip - "Banish the Barbie Weights"

This tip is sponsored by my email FYM coach Holly Rigsby (I don't think I'll ever be as skinny as her, but I love her arms) - She tells the truth about Women, Weights, and getting Bulky:

"Seems that women are still unable to get past the fear of picking up a heavy weight. Are you looking to just lose some fat and look more lean and toned - but do not want to gain muscle?

Weights and muscle - not in your fat loss plans? If so, I must break it you - you will have a VERY hard time seeing any type of fat loss. See what I am talking about...

Photos, videos, real examples... I hope this helps drive the point home that you will not bulk up if you use heavy weights."


  1. The music for the video is hard core! My last weight training class was in high school... 15 years ago. It's been a while. I never bulked up.

  2. One more comment, Have you been here:


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