Saturday, March 2, 2024

Slight Panic Attack

I had a great time climbing with my friend Terry yesterday, and after I got home and I was texted her to say thanks, I told her that the wedding was a week away, and I needed help for the dinner, and asked if she might be able to come help with the food during the dinner on Thursday evening? Cause Corey has arranged a caterer but they are not staying to help serve. She said she could help. I told her dinner is at 6:30, food arrives at 6. She said she'd be there, then asked "Anything else? Centerpieces?" I told her I had borrowed 60 candles from a neighbor, and had bought every square clear glass vase from all the DI's in the valley (well, just 45th and 94th) And Terry said "Give me some assignments for the week and I'll get them done." "Want to come over tomorrow to help me go over it all wit me?" She was free all day today, so since we'd just met for climbing at 9, we decided to do 9am again. So today, she is in our kitchen to help me figure out centerpieces the set up and all the stuff I'm panicking about, and I was excited to have a girl to talk things over with, and we were about to make progress, but then Corey got all anxious and told the kids to get in the car cause they were going to go somewhere. I have since learned that he was trying to be helpful and get the kids out of my hair, but they were not bothering me and I didn't want him to leave with the kids, cause they have big time chores to do and lots of stuff, but Corey couldn't handle being home with them for whatever reason, so then I said bye to Terry and hurried out to tell him not to go, he said he was going to go, he wanted to go to a restaurant store that he looked at, and that I should come with him, so then I reluctantly got my shoes on and joined them. Corey has been working on the food catering for the wedding dinner and it's like $350 more to have them bring chaffing dishes and serve it up, so we figured it might make more sense to use that would be expense and get out own chaffing dishes, then we'll be ready for the next wedding. So, even though I wanted to stay home and get stuff done, instead we decided to go look at dishes to help us for the dinner next week. Fine, this probably needs to be done too. So then we get there, Corey had already gone and looked around this week, he told me to go in and see, so I did, and I was completely overwhelmed, I didn't know that Corey want thinking, I looked around for a second more, then asked him if he could come in and help, but he was GONE. He left me alone in this restaurant warehouse store and he took the kids to play at McDonald's. I started to cry, overwhelm setting in big time, not feeling like we're doing this together, I felt abandoned and I had to bolt out of there cause I was about to be bawling. I just left. I started to walk towards him, he was less than 3 miles away, it was raining, and I just walked in the wind and sprinkling rain and cried. So here is me crying while I walk with a storm brewing around me. 

Lucky for me the snow didn't start hard until after I arrived at McDonald's 40 minutes later. Corey would have come to get me, but they just got there, kids were playing, I said it's fine cause I need to exercise anyway. So that was my exercise for the day - 2.55 mile walk along the streets of south SL, from Standard Restaurant supply store to McDonalds. Ugh, no fun. It's ok, we'll get through this! This stress and the overcoming of it (by next Saturday when the wedding dinner and all the wedding celebrations are behind us) is good for me. 

So we go back after McD's, Corey and I go in together, we figure it out TOGETHER, yay, thank you Corey. And we left the kids in the car and the car was not running but Corey left the car power on to keep them warm, and when we were done, the battery was dead. Corey was going to call his dad, but I went in the store to ask for help, and they came out and helped me jump the car. It was snowing big time, Corey stayed in the car, while I got drenched in the snow. He felt a little embarrassed afterwards, saying that Eric would not have let Lisa do that, and that is true, but it's ok, I was already mad at Corey today, so I'm done now, it's fine. I was just really soaked. 

Sigh, so it's ok, I got a good cry in, I think I can cope now, I might be ok for the rest of the week cause I cried and cause I have Terry here to help me and be my friend. Owen went to the symphony tonight with Wayne... 

And I placed a order with Gourmandise for desserts (tartlet tray 30 pieces for $70 and Gourmet Dessert 60 pieces $130) and tonight at 7pm Terry was here helping me with centerpieces. She had a lot of white and gold ribbon, so we're tying 2-3 glass vases together (depending on the size/height of the vases) a fake candle in each vase, bottom of the vase will have sand...

and some flowers in Bella's colors will be all around it.(Bella shared this picture today = the had their formal bridal photo shoot - aren't these GORGEOUS?? 

It will be good. I think I was stressed the most about the centerpieces, so this is good - we got the biggest thing figured out, I just need to assemble them. It'll be something like this - 

I'll do it tomorrow. Bella shared this on her instagram today - 7 DAYS!! Exciting <3

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