Well, I'm kicking myself and scolding the Tiffanie of September 2010 for her
lousy packing job. Cause guess what, I FOUND MY BLENDER!!! I'm glad that I had a goal today to go through the girl's clothes that were all over the bed in the spare room, cause I did it, and when I was done with that I thought I'd really finish up with the unpacking and sort through the last bin of boy clothes. At least I thought it was boy clothes. As I started to go through it, I found some of Corey's clothes. "Why are Corey's clothes in this bin of boy clothes" I thought to myself. Then I found more girl clothes and yelled to Mel to come back in, I thought we were done going through girl stuff but I just found more! I threw those on the floor by the door - too many clothes! I continued to grab boy items and throw them on the bed in their proper pile - 5T, 6, 7, 8, 8-10... when lo and behold, I saw a plastic bag around a black blender lid.

MY BLENDER!!!!" I screamed to the house! Then I pause for a moment of silence as I wait for Joe to come back with my camera, for this is a grand moment as I think and say to myself
"WHAT THE HECK IS MY BLENDER DOING IN THIS BIN?!?!?!? THIS BIN IS NOT EVEN LABELED!!" And I look around it on all sides, nothing.
So I found the base of the blender, dig a little more, yay!
There's the pitcher too, and I keep saying to myself "What was I thinking? Why in the world is my blender in this bin of clothes?!" Very poor job on the packing there. Maybe I was just running fumes? I guess I thought I would remember? Maybe I would have if we had returned in December like the Tiffanie of September 2010 thought we would be doing, rather than May. I feel like such an idiot! Ethan dug around some with me and found more missing items at the very bottom of the bin, all the measuring cups and spatulas:
I have no idea what I was thinking throwing them in an unmarked bin of clothes. I found some of my clothes in there too - so everyone had some clothing in there, so trying to piece this together my best guess right now is that these were the clothes we were all wearing as I packed our Costa Rica clothes in luggage, so when it was time to go, I did a last load of laundry and threw them all in here? So dumb. Next time, label the bins Tiffanie, EVERY bin! Why would I not label this one? Cause I had packed up the permanent marker and tape? Maybe, I can't remember anything about last fall. I'm very grateful that I didn't loose it, and pretty exciting that I still have mystery and drama in my life back here in the states. :)
So ~Yay! Chocolate protein shake for breakfast tomorrow, I might even add the spinach. Now I'm off to go freeze some bananas! Woo-hoo!
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