Thursday, September 5, 2024

Fall School Days

School is in full swing. Owen has been biking to school, I've been walking Peter to the bus stop, and Daniel goes out with all the bikers, but he's bookin' it on his rollerblades. He feels pretty cool and fast in those, and his teacher told me that his classmates are pretty wow'd when they see him skating up to the class line. I took a pic of him passing us at the bus stop. 

Carpool is going ok. We only have Churchill carpool on Tues and Fri mornings, so that's easy enough. We've been taking Skyline everyday though, cause at the moment there are too many kids for the Morgan boy that drives (7 kids don't fit in a sedan). Today, after it was just us taking Abi and Lily, I texted the moms, wondering where two other kids were that usually have been going with us. They are able to drive themselves now but not other kids cause of the 6 month thing for new drivers, but after that restriction is gone, Abi and Lily could carpool with them too. But since they (Stein and Jules) aren't going with the carpool, there is room for Abi and Lily with the Morgans. Abi wasn't thrilled with that. Abi would like to take a car everyday, but hasn't been able to cause Hyrum has been using it to go do yardwork at my parent's house. He's earning some extra money before school. We're still being a little spoiled by having him around in the mornings. Sometimes he helps get the boys out the door or takes carpool for me. He'll be here for another 10 days. He leaves for BYU Idaho next week on the 13th. Then Corey and I will have to reassess our morning biking outings. Yesterday I got the boys out, cause I only did a morning walk. Hyrum gets back at 1, so then I was also able to go up the canyon around 2:45 yesterday for a quick ride before taking O to trumpet. I parked at Grit Mill and went to Techy and back. I went pretty fast on the climb, so that was fun to get a medal emoji, yay! I got 2nd place for Up Mile 2 - 1.01 miles 14:12, AND 3rd for LCC Road climb, .79 miles in 8:42 (PR was 8:21 11/17/23). Usually we don't get any PRs or medals for the canyon, cause it's so close that we always do it, also maybe it's gotten busier so we have to slow down and stop for hikers and other bikers. When I got back from that, kids were home from school. Natalie was asleep with K - 
And Lily was there too, hidden under that heap of a black and white blanket.
I'm not great at having kids help after school. I guess I'm usually a softie and I feel bad that they've been gone all day and so I let them take a nap. Then I took O to trumpet, he has that every other week. Violin for S&N on Mondays is every other week too, for the moment, once again, as we try to make ends meet. Today was a good day at home. Played with K - 
And for my exercise I did lots of yard work. Bulk clean up is on Monday, so I have plans for us to spend time on Saturday moving lots of branches and bags of pine needles to the front yard for that. I haven't kicked cleaning in gear, but we're doing the basics with that. Excited to make progress on the yard, and to keep biking as the fall colors come. I'm also LOVING reading the Book of Mormon with the membership of the church. I've been feasting on that, and it's great. I've been spending quite a bit of time reading and don't feel bad about that one bit. I love spending time with God and his Word.

My bookmark from Wes, summer 2021. 

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