Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Two More Good Cleaning Days

Yesterday and today have been great days again - I did a repeat of Monday by eating well and skipping dinner, listening to good things, and cleaning like a hero. Yesterday was a little different cause K spoiled me by sleeping in until 10:30, so I read the Book of Mormon for two hours which was great. I didn't do a long scripture study session on Monday, so it was nice to do that, and then today was different cause instead of sleeping in until 10:30, she was taking a nap at 10:30 cause she woke up at 6:30! K always sleeps with Abi, even if I lay down with her to put her to bed, she'll wake up during the night and climb up to Abi's bunk. It's cute. Abi seems to enjoy it too. Maybe she and Katharine will have a special bond like Wes and Peter. When I went to wake up Abi, K popped up out of bed with her. Usually Abi is able to sneak away and K is in a deep sleep, but not today. So.... what do I do with a toddler that is awake this early? We looked out the window at the moon and the city lights. K was being super cute. When Corey got up, she wanted him. Corey gave into her clinginess for an hour with a smile saying "She's not going to be little forever" so while they took a bath, I took Peter to the bus stop. Cute kindergarteners are first in line! 

Corey was able to eventually sneak away for work, and I turned on Bluey, and then K took a nap at 10:30 

Unlike yesterday when she woke up at this time! 

K is the variable in my schedule. I was going to run errands, but knew if I put her in the car, she'd fall asleep right away, so instead we just stayed home until after her nap - she slept until 1, and then even thought most of my plan for running errands was nixed, I did decided to do one errand of taking Joseph's temple clothes over to my mom. My parents are flying out to Indiana this weekend for my nephew Nate's farewell (he's going to be serving in Saratoga Springs Utah! Fun!) Joseph and Eliza out in Ohio are going to drive down to the farewell. I found Joseph's clothes when I was cleaning on Monday and texted him, so that was good timing. So we went to my mom's house to deliver that, and then I decided to clean the kitchen for a little bit. I had brought over one magic eraser, an ecloth, and an ecloth polishing cloth. I cleaned the kitchen until the magic eraser was dead. I washed their dishes, cleaned the sick out really good, threw out some trash, washed off their garbage can lid and washed their broom and dustpan, wiped front of the dishwasher, and swept. It was really fun! I guess I'm a middle aged homemaker to have found that so enjoyable. I like serving others, especially my parents, and I also didn't have any deja-vu of ever standing at that sink to do the dishes or wiping off that counter, so I'm wondering if I ever helped clean the kitchen at all??? I hope I did! 

K was absolutely PERFECT - she ate fruit snacks and had cereal and was an angel while I cleaned. And took lots of pics on my phone!

I was there until after the kids were home from school, then I hurried home, took O to his trumpet lesson, then hurried home for a quick bike ride (cause I didn't do anything this morning cause K was awake... although maybe I could have taken her on a walk in the stroller? it was kinda cold though). I like the trumpet teachers front yard. They had it landscaped last year. I like this tree with a rock to sit on next to it. I might like to do that in our yard. I'm found a few little trees growing in the backyard that I'm trying to keep alive and decide where to plant them. 

My bike ride was good - our nice bikes are both in the shop, so I took the silver bike, which has no shocks but I'm way faster on it, and I got 3 PRs on the climb, so I was happy with that. Then a quick bath, then to Walmart to get stuff for Daniel's birthday tomorrow. I got chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, and some Pokemon stuff. And some Bluey stuff for K, cause I enjoy spoiling her. We are going to do a shorter scripture reading session up here in a second, better go call the kids together, cause it's already past 10! 

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