Monday, September 16, 2024


Today was an amazingly productive day. I cleaned and cleaned as I listened to General Conference, and it was just great. I also skipped dinner, so it was a win-win-win cause I didn't mindlessly snack, I cleaned, and I fed my spirit with amazing spiritual messages. The basement looks so good, especially compared to what it's been. Now that Hyrum has left for school, I reclaimed that space that has been his bedroom - now there's a little couch there (Ethan and Bella's loveseat that we're storing) I put a little book shelf next to that. Made an open space where I can do some weight bearing exercises, which I might want to do soon while we wait for Momentum season to start. 

I cleaned all the Legos up off the floor! I cleared off a table and put all the Christmas decorations there on the right - they were scattered in a few different places in the basement. I'm going to go through those and organize it. 

Other side - you can walk! I have one more table of clutter to go through. I've been sorting and tossing things out. Plan for the rest of the week is to pack things up and away or donate them (like that pile of pillows and blankets) 

So yea, I feel great physically, emotionally, and spiritually, I think it was cause I didn't snack and skipped dinner, cause I cleaned, and cause I listened to so much General Conference (April 2024) It was great - it was a win-win-win!

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