Saturday, April 14, 2012

My Poor Baby

Sophia in happier times, kicking/rubbing her little feet up and down on the carpet

Poor Sophia is constipated, it is totally breaking my heart to see her cry! She passed a really hard bowel last night and I was hoping that was it, but she's been crying more today. I've been googling it, anyone had problems with this and solutions that worked?

One thing I found googling said that Rice Cereal may contribute to constipation cause it is low in fiber. Now I am saying "Curse you Rice Cereal!" Into the trash, I'm never buying you again.

I just put a bunch of prunes and water in the blender and pureed it into a nice brown goop, hoping that helps her. Oh it's so sad! Definitely a different cry she's been making, and her little frowning lips as she wails is heartbreaking.

Here are some tips from momtastic that I've been trying today:

Tummy Massage - Gently massage and rub baby's tummy in a clockwise direction. Place your hands at baby's navel and massage in a circular motion, moving your hand(s) out and away from the center of baby's belly.

Bicycle Legs - Place your baby on her back and lightly hold her legs in a half-bent position. Gently begin to move your baby's legs as if she is riding a bicycle. Alternate "Bicycle Legs" with Tummy Massage. *"Bicycle Legs" also may help to relieve a baby who is gassy.

A Warm Bath - Some medical professionals suggest giving your constipated baby a warm bath. The thought is that this may help relax baby and "get things moving" again. Give a tummy massage as you are drying baby.

Don't worry Sophs, when you're older I'm positive no one will bring up this tmi I'm sharing here. Let's just get your little bowels working better, k? So again, if anyone has experience or suggestions, I'd love to hear them, thanks!


  1. Max had the same problem. As soon as he was potty trained it went away, but we had some rough days. I tried lots of diet changes, warm baths, suppositories. The lifesaver was Miralax-- a prescription, non-habit forming,laxative. I would ask your doctor. It is no fun to watch your baby hurt! Good luck!

  2. We also had the last baby on Miralax, a prune or two a day, the pharmacist told us to give her half a suppository when in real pain to move it out. This was the baby that only ate fruit and veggies. We only gave barley or wheat cereal with lots of water, very runny. The doctor wanted the problem fixed before potty training. It worked, and now has no problems and no more Miralax.


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