Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Camilla in Town

My sister Camilla is in town visiting from Indiana. 
She and her son Nate flew in yesterday, because he is entering the Missionary Training Center today! He is going to serve in the Utah Saratoga Springs Mission, so when his time at the MTC is done, he won't be taking a shuttle to the airport, but will probably be picked up from the MTC by the President's assistants and driven around the lake to his new area, ha! Fun. She went to the Saratogra Temple after dropping him off, then she met up with Neil and Beka and they went out to eat. I said I was available after I got back from taking Owen to his trumpet lesson (5:15-5:45 in Sugarhouse) so I was home around 6:30 and then Camilla, Neil and my parents came by here for a visit, Beka had something with Matt's family at 7. I talked to Camilla about going on a ride tomorrow morning, and I was thinking we could do something in Corner Canyon, and I could take Katharine on the shotgun seat, so in preparation for that, Corey and I took K on a ride today, and I almost died. It was way hard. Corey makes it look easy, and thankfully he rode with her most of the time. He's had more experience with kids riding Shotgun - he did it quite a few times with Peter. I, however, have only taken K one time. And we did very wide trails in Dimple Dell, where there was lots of room for error. The Canyon Hollow trail was much more narrow and I struggled to get up any little hill or to get over any roots or rocks without huffin' and puffin' like crazy. Corey started with her....
...then I took her for a little part of the climb when she was asking to be done, so we switched to help wake her up, but I think I scared her! I gave her back to Corey, we gave her some water...
...and got to the top of Canyon Hollow, then they went north to take Ghost Falls down and I did Rush. I  was trying to think of why that was so difficult - might be because I have to be up high on my seat to see over her, but that made it harder to get over the little climbs? Or if I have the seat down then I'm looking side to side around her and the bikes veer's back and forth a bit too much for such a narrow trail, so yeah, this brief ride this morning made me scratch that plan with Camilla. Maybe we'll go on a hike instead, cause I know I can carry her in a backpack. But it was nice to visit tonight. We just talked a bit about kids, missions, I don't even remember. Then they all went over to Jersh's house to see their halloween decorations, and we're putting kiddo's to bed. 

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