Thursday, October 3, 2024

Sick Owen

I was going to take K with me and go on a hike with some neighbors this morning, but that plan was changed when Owen woke up not feeling well. He said his tummy had been bothering him all night. I told him to go lay back down in his bed, but he went to the couch instead. I thought I should get him something to throw up in, but I got distracted getting Daniel and Peter out he door, and I was upstairs when I heard what sounded like a heave... I hurried to look down the stairs, and he was leaning over OFF of the couch ONTO THE FLOOR throwing up. I started to yell "NOT ON THE CARPET!!! INTO THE BLANKET!!!!" but it was too late. 

The vomit was a horrible dark red berry color. Worst for location and for color, not bad for quantity. It was fairly small in volume, so that's one positive. I finished getting D&P out the door, walked them to the bus stop, then came back to face the mess. Owen layed there as I lectured him "I can't put the carpet into the washing machine, so throw up on a blanket, on your shirt, almost AnYthinG is better than carpet..." "Sorry..." 
US Advantage to the rescue. It took care of most of it, but you can tell there is a slight blueberry stain to it. Too bad he ate blueberries and watermelon and tomatoes, making a perfect mixture of the worst color. This morning Corey went on a ride, and after he was back, he volunteered to stay with the two kids while I went on a ride with Camilla who is still in town until tomorrow morning. We went up BST (Draper temple behind us) up to Potato Hill...
Then explored Little Valley, then back to Ann's to head to Ghost and we did the bottom of Rush too. Autumn colors were pretty good. 
After we got back, I shared with her a protein shake that we like around here, made famous by Wesley, with Chocolate Orgain protein powder, mixed berries, walnuts, bananas, rice milk and ice. Other than that, I was just home with sick Owen and K. O slept most of the day. K likes me to read her the Disney Cinderella book, and she likes to watch Cinderella. Tonight I caught her playing Cinderella too - she got a bottle of cleaner and a polishing ecloth from under the kitchen sink, and she was cleaning everything within her reach - walls, windows, stools, chairs. Little video of it here, but too bad she stopped as soon as I started to record her.
She's a cutie.

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