Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Hike the Y

We just got back from hiking the Y. I got kids in the tub even though it's late. We had to do a quick wash up before bed cause we are all very dusty and dirty. I got kids ready to go to Provo to hike the Y for homecoming as soon as the elementary boys got home. We were all going to go, but Abi had a flute lesson until 5, and I didn't want to wait that long, and she had homework to do anyway. Lily opted to stay home too, so I headed to Provo with SNODPK, we picked up Ethan and Bella and I saw their apartment (they got a sweet deal!) and we headed over to the trailhead. We were there at 6:15, which was early enough for us to be able to park at the 3rd lower lot, and we walked up to the trailhead. At the gate and ready to go!
Pretty mountain behind us. I'd like to go all the way to the top someday. 
I brought my long mulberry bush hiking sticks, which I think came in handy (helped me to visually be able to see the kids amongst the crowd on our way down in the dark.) I also brought 3 head lamps and lots of flashlights this time, and 4 water bottles, so we were very prepared. Plus we had the back pack for Katharine. She didn't want to be in it at first, so Natalie carried it with the backpack of waterbottles as her "baby" and then when K did want to be carried, Ethan put it on and carried her. She was a bit mad about that - didn't want E to carry her for whatever reason, but we didn't care and just let her moan.
After going up a bit, I was feeling good, maybe cause I'd warmed up my legs and was mentally ready, so I tagged Ethan and took K at the 4th turn. He was kinda dying and afterwards told me he thought he was about to faint, so it was good I took her. The kids all did SO great, no complaints at all! I was really impressed and proud of them. Peter, especially, did not want any help. He hiked the whole thing up and back without a complaint (well, there were were like 3 tired "UGH!"'s on the way up) but he kept going and said Wes is going to help him when he gets back. Until then, Peter will carry on. They were pretty speedy, we could barely keep up!
We made it to the top right at sunset and found a good place to sit and wait for the light to come on. 
Katharine got out of the backpack and happily sat with her siblings. It was a pretty sunset and relaxing to watch the lights come on.
Selfie with Ethan and Bella. "Turn on your flash, mom!"
Ok, take two.
I was really happy that Ethan and Bella were able to come with us. Nice to visit a bit and plus obviously they were awesome at helping keeping track of the kids. The kids all did awesome on the hike down too. We were not waiting for the shuttle, and I wasn't having a donut, and I had a lot of kids, so I didn't feel bad cutting in line as I walked past all the people waiting in line for the shuttle. ...But then we did jump in by the refreshment line and the kids got a treat -  between a glazed donut or a maple bar, and water or hot chocolate. I got water. Then walked to the car. It was a success! Mel had wanted to come, but she has a job now, boo, so she was there until 7 so she missed it. This morning I did a little warm up for our hike today, by taking K on a walk to the park in the backpack, which I don't think I'll ever do by choice again. I thought I'd like it better than pushing a stroller, for posture's sake, but it was worse. I had to go a few passes on the monkey bars to help my shoulder's recover. She didn't want to go home either, so a stroller would have been better had I wanted to forcer her to leave. But instead we stayed longer than I would have liked, but it's fine, it's good to be outside. She insisted I go down the slides with her, but I'm too big for them, so it wasn't fun. But K is cute.
Here's a pic of her this morning. She's always wakes up in such a good smiley mood, it's really cute.
Singing while she gets her Bluey toys out of her backpack and reviews their names. 
She has a small pink scripture case, that I think was Sophi's, that she uses as her "bag" and she puts her toys in it and a calculator, aka her phone. She carries her baby and her bag with her whenever we go somewhere. She's "figuring it out" haha.

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