Melodie is such a sweetheart. At the party yesterday as she was passing out Valentines and I was helping Wesley and Abi give out theirs, when Mel came over to me and said "Here's your Valentine, Mom" ~ I was so surprised! I wasn't even on the list! She is so thoughtful. Then she said "Where should I put Dad's?" We put Corey's valentine with mine to give to him after we got home.
As my kids were decorating cookies and then eating them, Melodie quietly worked on hers. As we were loading up the car to come home, she had a plate with 2 cookies on it. One was half eaten. She left the plate down and Lily found it and helped herself the to rest of the eaten cookie. The other cookie was hidden under a napkin and untouched, so I guarded it away and told Mel later that Lily found her plate of cookies and ate one "Which one did she eat?" The one that was half eaten. "Oh good. The other cookie is for Dad." I again was impressed with her thoughtfulness.
When we got home, we hid his plate with cookie and Valentine in his clothes closet for him to discover on his own.
Later during our family scripture reading, we all started talking after and Ethan was being silly and complaining (in a joking way) that the only Valentines he got were from people he didn't even know, and his family didn't get him ANYTHING!
"I don't feel very loved around here and you guys are supposed to love me the most!!" I piped up "Well you didn't get me a Valentine either! So there! But Melodie got me a Valentine... (kiss kiss) Melodie is so thoughtful! And guess what else..." And I told her to go get her thing for Dad. She came back with the cookie and Valentine and Corey made her feel super special "MELODIE!!! Awww!!! You made me a Valentine? AND a cookie! You must really love me! Oh, come here, you are my favorite Valentine!!" Ethan tries to get back in to the conversation "Well I would have gotten you a Valentine but I didn't get to make a cookie!!" (He was playing with a lizard when everyone else was doing cookies...)
Corey teased him back "Ethan, it's best to just not say anything, it just makes you look worse... Don't make excuses, just chalk it up to experience and try to remember to be thoughtful next time, like Melodie was, Oh come here Mel! (kiss kiss!)
Gotta love little girls. Love you Melodie! She is our thoughtful princess. I know she will take good care of us when we're old and in the retirement home. :)
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