Wesley's lip is doing great (thank you Heavenly Father) what a miracle our bodies are. I've been taking a picture each day of his lip and after I do I show him. This one above was taking half way through eating a peanut butter sandwich, thus the bread crumbs. The first pictures I took made him squirm and with compassion in his eyebrows - he'd say with deep concern for the poor chap photographed "Ohhhhh!!!" The last pictures have looked okay and don't make him worry, and I told him isn't it amazing that our bodies fix themselves all by themselves? "Imagine if you broke a toy and it fixed itself by itself!" Wesley squeeled with delight at the thought, "Or if you ripped your clothes and they could fix themselves!" We got very excited at the idea - endless possibilities! But alas, nothing just happens. Well, maybe chaos and time just happen. Everything else takes an intelligence behind it. God is the intelligence that made our bodies - they have a spirit and are alive! Wesley's body is one of God's incredible creations, and his spirit and body work together, what a miracle!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Cuts and Bumps
Wesley's lip is doing great (thank you Heavenly Father) what a miracle our bodies are. I've been taking a picture each day of his lip and after I do I show him. This one above was taking half way through eating a peanut butter sandwich, thus the bread crumbs. The first pictures I took made him squirm and with compassion in his eyebrows - he'd say with deep concern for the poor chap photographed "Ohhhhh!!!" The last pictures have looked okay and don't make him worry, and I told him isn't it amazing that our bodies fix themselves all by themselves? "Imagine if you broke a toy and it fixed itself by itself!" Wesley squeeled with delight at the thought, "Or if you ripped your clothes and they could fix themselves!" We got very excited at the idea - endless possibilities! But alas, nothing just happens. Well, maybe chaos and time just happen. Everything else takes an intelligence behind it. God is the intelligence that made our bodies - they have a spirit and are alive! Wesley's body is one of God's incredible creations, and his spirit and body work together, what a miracle!